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Welcome to Squeals on Wheels Birthday Packages and FAQs! Here, you'll find answers to common questions about our petting zoo birthday party packages. Discover details on appropriate group sizes, how we manage events, options for non-birthday gatherings, how to request specific animals, and any requirements you need to prepare. For in-depth information, browse our comprehensive FAQs!



Please visit our FAQ PAGE for more detailed information on our general policies/practices

  • Our birthday packages are designed for smaller groups. We recommend time slots based on the number of kids you expect. A one hour petting zoo can accommodate up to 20 - 25 kids. A 1.5 hour petting zoo can accommodate up to 35 kids. A two hour petting zoo can accommodate 35 - 45 kids. If you expect more than 45 - 50 kids, we recommend one of our festival package options. Our festival set up can accommodate a larger group of guests in a shorter time.

  • Our staff member/s will arrive 20 - 30 minutes early to get set up. At the start time, we will gather the kids who are there to go over a few brief rules, introduce the animals, and give our “birthday child intro” if it is a birthday event. This is typically a brief presentation, no more than 10 minutes, so we can jump right into the hands-on portion. We will have 3 - 4 stations set up for kids to pet or hold our animals. We will have one station where groups of 4 kids can rotate through holding some of our animals, one station to sit with our animals and pet them, and one station for petting and watching our exotic ducks! If you book a large animal package, there will be one station to pet and watch the large animals. Our staff member/s will facilitate rotating through groups of kids at the holding station to ensure everyone gets an opportunity!

  • Yes! If you are having a small party, but not a “birthday party” you can book these packages. Please see the first FAQ above for guidance on what group size is appropriate.

  • Baby piglets can be requested “if available” on the reservation request form. We often do not know if a piglet will be available for your event until the week of the event. There are many factors that go into piglet availability including: when the piglet was born, when they are weaned, when they get their spay/neuter surgery and are recovered, and when they are picked up for adoption. WE ARE UNABLE TO GUARANTEE PIGLETS because there are so many factors that go into their availability. If a piglet is not available for your event, we will notify you on the confirmation call (1 -2 day before your event) prior to payment and your price quote will be adjusted.

  • We have set packages and certain animals are set within these packages (described below.) We are able to take requests for seasonal friends (if your child prefers a hedgehog or bearded dragon) and you can request the add on (not guaranteed) of an extra seasonal friend or piglet. We recommend not mentioning these to the children as we cannot make 100% guarantees as our choice of seasonal friend ultimately comes down to the weather. This way it can be a special surprise and no one is disappointed!

    We cannot substitute animals within the packages or add animals other than the extra seasonal friend or piglet. We are unable to add a large animal to a small animal package because they require specialized transportation.

  • We need a shaded space and a backup option in the case of extreme temperatures or inclement weather, plus a parking spot as close to the setup location as possible. Space minimums are in each package description. We will provide all the necessary fencing, stools, and other equipment! You may provide greens or veggies for the animals, but it is up to our staff members to determine if it is a safe environment for the kids to feed the animals.


Groom, decorate, and cuddle with our very own mini unicorn, Tinkerbell! She’ll come with a variety of sweet and loving, small animal friends arriving in adorable baskets. Tinkerbell and her friends are sure to turn any party into a magical and unforgettable experience! 12x20 ft space minimum.

This package includes:

  • A mini unicorn! Comes with hair chalk, bows, grooming supplies.

  • 5+ species from this list - multiple bunnies and guinea pigs, chickens, ducks, tortoise, hedgehog, chinchilla, bearded dragon, or exotic fluffy chicken! Selection is based on temperature/season.

  • 2 Squeals on Wheels staff member!

Travel fee for all Squeals on Wheels events/parties is $1.50 - $2 per mile round trip.

Optional Add-Ons: Baby pigs and extra exotic friends are optional add-ons for all events if we have them available. You are able to request one on the reservation request form and we will know the week of your event if the add-ons are available!


First Hour: $490
Each Additional Hour: $350
Each Addtl 1/2 Hour: $190


Request a piglet if available!



With a variety of sweet and loving, small animals arriving in adorable baskets, it's sure to turn any get-together into one you'll never forget!  12x12 ft space minimum.

This package includes:

  • 5+ species from this list - multiple bunnies and guinea pigs, chickens, ducks, tortoise, hedgehog, chinchilla, bearded dragon, or exotic fluffy chicken! Selection is based on temperature/season.

  • 1 Squeals on Wheels staff member!

Travel fee for all Squeals on Wheels events/parties is $1.50 - $2 per mile round trip.

Optional Add-Ons: Baby pigs and extra exotic friends are optional add-ons for all events if we have them available. You are able to request one on the reservation request form and we will know the week of your event if the add-ons are available!

First Hour: $375
Each Additional Hour: $275
Each Addtl 1/2 Hour: $150



This package ups the game and includes LARGE and SMALL animals! 12x20ft space minimum.

This Package Includes: 

  • 3 Large Animals! A mix of alpacas and miniature goats. Plus 5+ species from this list - bunnies, guinea pigs, chickens, ducks, tortoise, hedgehog, chinchilla, bearded dragon, fancy fantail pigeon, blue-tongue skink, leopard gecko or exotic fluffy chicken! Selection is based on temperature/season.

  • 2 Squeals on Wheels staff members!

Travel fee for all Squeals on Wheels events/parties is $1.50 - $2 per mile round trip. This package has a 1.5 hour minimum on weekends.

Optional Add-Ons: Baby pigs and extra exotic friends are optional add-ons for all events if we have them available. You are able to request one on the reservation request form and we will know the week of your event if the add-ons are available!

First Hour: $490
Each Additional Hour: $350
Each Addtl 1/2 Hour: $190



This is our largest package and we're emptying the pasture for this one!! You won't soon forget this unique experience. 12x20ft space minimum.

This Package Includes:

  • 4 Large Animals (alpacas, goats, and a dwarf mini horse) plus 7+ species from this list - bunnies, guinea pigs, chickens, ducks, tortoise, hedgehog, chinchilla, bearded dragon, fancy fantail pigeon, blue-tongue skink, leopard gecko or exotic fluffy chicken! Selection is based on temperature/season.

  • 2 Squeals on Wheels staff members!

Travel fee for all Squeals on Wheels events/parties is $1.50 - $2 per mile round trip. This package has a 1.5 hour minimum on weekends.

Optional Add-Ons: Baby pigs are optional add-ons for all events if we have them available. You are able to request one on the reservation request form and we will know the week of your event if the add-ons are available!

First Hour: $625
Each Additional Hour: $425
Each Addtl 1/2 Hour: $250

“I hired Squeals on Wheels for my son’s 5th birthday party and they truly made his celebration such a unique and memorable one! Squeals on Wheels’ staff was outstanding. From the prompt response when booking and follow-up before the party to the day of the party. They were punctual, friendly, incredibly knowledgeable of the animals, and worked extremely well with children.”

— Jennifer Young, Google Review 2022